THe art of crushing carbon

We know the dire consequences that we face if we don’t take direct and immediate action on battling climate change. Declaring an emergency means absolutely nothing unless there is action to back it up. Learn how Speak Carbon and AOP Projects have come together to deliver quality and engaging education to invoke change and spark a revolution in how we tackle the climate emergency. It starts with our language around carbon…

By Alicia Eggert and David Moinina Sengeh

By Alicia Eggert and David Moinina Sengeh


what is speak carbon?

Speak Carbon is a nationally accredited organisation  through The Carbon Literacy Project whose primary goal is to enhance the literacy and understanding of carbon throughout organisations, schools and businesses across the country.  We know that opening up the dialogue, understanding the terminology and inviting the conversation around carbon reduction and ways to tackle climate change will facilitate the change that businesses and individuals need to make to prevent the catastrophic damage which is occurring to our planet. 

Speak Carbon offers accessible and easy to digest courses for anyone and everyone so that they can get the ball rolling and understand the conversation surrounding carbon. Once they can talk the talk, they can be proactive and walk the walk. 

Currently the government has set out a legal target for the UK to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. A lot of momentum and action will be crucial if this target is to be met. This is where AOP Projects and Speak Carbon are joining forces to deliver the necessary education to affect positive change by helping people become carbon literate. But rather than the traditional routes of delivering information, we are spicing things up and making this training a fun and interactive day’s worth of learning that will leave the consumer with an inspiration to activate change both at home as well as globally. 

“We need to look at alternative ways to educate people right down to the foundations of their souls and the way that they look at things. That’s the big interest I have in collaborating with Art of Protect Projects and finding inventive ways to deliver exciting education for the masses.” -Pete Watkins